This is an approved practice for general practitioner training. This means we have other doctors with us for either six months or a year. These doctors are fully qualified, have at least one year’s hospital experience, and join us to gain extra experience in general practice.
We are also lucky to have two medical students from Liverpool University who join us at least once a week for most of the year. They are in the penultimate year of their training. From time to time, the doctors or the students will need, as part of their training within general practice, to video their consultations with you. This forms an important part of medical training but will not be carried out without your written consent. It will not affect your consultation or treatment in any way. No intimate examinations will be recorded and the camera can be switched off whenever you wish.
We hope that you will consent to this being carried out, as the tape will be kept as confidential as your medical records and will only be used for educational purposes and then erased. It is used to assess the doctor’s skill in the consultation, to teach the doctor how to improve and for research - all of which helps you to get better care.